100 CLUB | OCTOBER 2019

100 CLUB | OCTOBER 2019

100 CLUB | Draws were made at the Committee meeting on last night. 

October Winners
1st R Mitchell

2nd B Martin

3rd L Gibson

Thanks to our recent new members and also to those who continue to support the club this way. If you want join the 100 Club and be included in the November draw make sure your payment is sent by 1st November. To join please email 100club@dalzielrugby.com for standing order mandate details.

The 100 Club is simple. Pay £10 per month by standing order. Each month 50% goes to the club and 50% goes in the prize fund.
From the prize fund.....
1st Prize 60%
2nd Prize 30%
3rd Prize 10%

For Example, if 100 people are in the 100 Club, the total fund is £1000. £500 goes to Club funds leaving a £500 prize fund. 

1st Prize would be £300 
2nd Prize would be £150 
3rd Prize would be £50 

The more people who join, the bigger the prize pot.